Monday, June 16, 2014

Double-Minded Decision Making Will Torment You – Trust Him! BY PASTOR TIM

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  Do you ever have to make a decision? Obviously, yes! Are some of those important? Again, of course! Do you ever have to make life-changing decisions, such as who you’re going to marry, or where you’re going to live, or if you should take this new job? Decision-making is a part of our everyday life.
The majority of our decisions fall in the category of things like what am I going to wear, or what should I make for dinner, or what should I order off the menu? Most inconsequential decisions aren’t going to cause a dilemma or a crisis so we shouldn’t lose any sleep over them. But other decisions are life-changing, and it is sometimes so very difficult to know what to do.
I remember a number of critical decisions that came up along my life’s path. One of my first as a Christian was at the age of 24. I was a baby Christian and every thing about God and the Bible were new to me. I had met Renee three months after I became a Christian and we fell in love. Renee was the girl of my dreams. She was such a wonderful person in so many ways and she captivated my heart. I believed we were a perfect match that God had brought together. We got engaged and set our wedding date about a year away. We were so excited.
A short time later, my old girl friend found out I was engaged. I had broken up with her before I was a Christian and while I still loved her. I broke up with her because we were incompatible. We had completely different upbringings and I knew in my heart they were going to be a major obstacle. So, I broke off the relationship. It was painful and took some time to move forward.
Anyway, after Renee and I got engaged, she contacted me and wanted to meet. She wanted me to break off the engagement and marry her instead. All this did was stir up old emotions and create trauma for me. Because I gave the thought consideration, I got confused and it ate at me for a season. I had to put it before the Lord in prayer. The Lord made it very simple for me. He said, “If you stay with Renee, you will continue to follow me and serve me all your life. If you go with your old girlfriend, you’ll leave me and destroy your life.”
When I heard that, I knew exactly what to do. I told my old girlfriend to go on with her life, but it would be without me. I knew that was the right decision beyond the shadow of a doubt, but, I still let myself be double-minded over it for a short while. That short while was tormenting. Why?James 1:8 says, “…a double-minded man is unstable in all he does.”
One day the Lord spoke to me and said, “It’s up to you to stop this double-minded thinking. “Rest in the decision you made and cast down any other thoughts regarding it and you’ll be happy and move forward again.”  Then He reminded me of 2 Corinthians 10:5 that says,“Cast down imaginations and every contrary thing that tries to exalt itself over the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ…” I knew I had to do this and be committed to the right decision. When I did, peace came quickly, my joy and excitement returned, and I was no longer distracted.  
Decision making is a part of life so let me bring you a wonderful thought to think about. God is never surprised. He knows every decision you will ever make. He wants to help you make the right ones that will keep you in His perfect will for your life. Before the foundation of the earth, He declared that He wanted you to receive Jesus as your Savior and live for Him. 2 Timothy 1:9 (NIV) says, “…who has saved us and called us to a holy life–not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF TIME.” God had a plan to lead you before He began creating the world! Wow! Knowing that, you can trust that He’ll lead you in every step!
He wants to lead you in a life of purpose, significance, and influence for Him. Those are all choices you have to make, but He will help you make them if you look to Him. James 1:5 (NLT) says, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.”  
Being double-minded will torment you. Asking God to help lead you to make right and godly decisions is something He delights in doing and wants you to seek Him for. When He shows you, be committed to it. Second guessing yourself will torment you but trusting Him will lead you to the right place. Come to the place in your life where you want God’s ways more than your own. Know that He wants and knows what is best for you. He will make your life significant and blessed, and happy and full of joy! Don’t be double minded. Ask and trust Him as He leads you!
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT) “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.”
In His Love,
Pastor Tim Burt   

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